FPS&S attorneys have been responsible for numerous published opinions in a broad range of areas, including subject matter and personal jurisdiction, civil rights, employment, products liability, and insurance coverage disputes. The firm provides advice to clients regarding the feasibility and probable outcome of appeals, prepares legal briefs, and aggressively advocates clients’ positions before appellate court panels. FPS&S attorneys also offer consultation on appeals in cases handled at the trial court level by lawyers associated with other firms.
FPS&S attorneys are recognized for excellence in this area of the law. We appear regularly in the state appellate courts of Kansas and Missouri, as well as in the federal appellate courts of the Eighth Circuit and Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals. A number of FPS&S attorneys practice before the United States Supreme Court. Many FPS&S attorneys served as judicial clerks and have unique insight into the appellate process. FPS&S is known for its ability to defend good results on appeal, but also for its skill in persuading the court to reverse an unfavorable decision where necessary.